The proof is in the progression
Case studies showing reduction in wound area, re-epithelialization rates and granulation tissue development help demonstrate the efficacy of Collagenase SANTYL◊ Ointment in real-life wounds.
Collagenase SANTYL Ointment is indicated for debriding chronic dermal ulcers and severely burned areas.

Deep partial thickness burn
Left foot healed in 30 days with weekly sharp debridement and daily SANTYL◊ Ointment*
Chemical burn to right thigh
Wound re-epithelialization in most of burn in 35 days*
Deep- to partial-thickness road rash (burn)
Establishment of granulation tissue was achieved after daily application of SANTYL◊ Ointment with petroleum gauze dressings over THREE WEEKS*
Lime-related chemical burns with associated eschar
Significant improvement of wounds visible after 10 days*
Partial-thickness burn to abdomen
95% granulation tissue and complete debridement in 11 days*

Postsurgical abdominal wound
100% re-epithelialization and reduction in 47 days
Postsurgical wound on breast
89% reduction in wound area over 28 days
Post-operative arteriovenous fistula (AVF) wound
100% resolved*
Non-healing, post-surgical finger wound
Finger progressed toward healing after 22 days of treatment with SANTYL◊ Ointment and two weekly sharp debridements*
Chronic nonhealing surgical wound
Chronic TMA wound successfully resolved in two months with SANTYL◊ Ointment, weekly sharp debridement and daily wound care dressings*

Pressure Injuries
Unstageable pressure injury on heel
91% reduction in wound area over 27 days** Individual results will vary
Bilateral dorsal foot wounds
Foot wounds closed completely in 18 weeks with SANTYL◊ Ointment, sharp debridement and moist gauze dressings*
Unstageable pressure ulcer
Sacrum wound achieved complete re-epithelialization in seven months*

Traumatic injury anterior ankle ulcer
100% granulation tissue achieved in six weeks
Traumatic abrasion
91% reduction in wound size was achieved in four weeks with SANTYL◊ Ointment

General Wound
Necrotic eschar on right forearm
100% granulated tissue achieved in 10 weeks*
Wound in perineal area
85% granulated tissue was established after 12 days*
Chronic leg wounds
100% re-epithelization on day 42*
Bulla of unknown etiology
Full debridement of the wound in 16 weeks*

Four bilateral lower extremity (BLE) venous stasis ulcers (VSU)
Dramatic improvement after three weeks of therapy*

Diabetic neuropathic ulcer
Complete closure of the wound after enzymatic debridement with SANTYL◊ Ointment for 61 days followed by approximately 109 days of REGRANEX◊ gel*
Diabetic ulcer on foot
Complete debridement achieved within four weeks*
*Individual results will vary