You can wait for the burn to declare itself. Or you can help it decide49
New research points to strategies for limiting burn progression in the zone of stasis.
The depth of a burn is not static50-52
Unlike other traumatic wounds, the extent of injury in burn wounds – especially those of partial thickness – develops in a complex and multifaceted way:

cell/tissue death
- Direct response to burn injury
- Cell and tissue damage as a result of traumatic insult

cell/tissue death
- Result of corresponding inflammatory response
- Cell and tissue death as a result of microenvironmental cues
Inflammatory infiltration begins
cell/tissue death (secondary necrosis)
Cell and tissue death as a result of a combination of burn injury and secondary damage from ongoing physiologic response in microenvironment
Inflammatory infiltration continues through seven days
Edema begins at four hours and continues through seven days

Vasoconstriction begins at seven days and continues through 14 days
In one study, 86% of burns presenting to an emergency department over a 12-month period were partial-thickness burns53
Burn zones of injury and the question of conversion.
A burn can “declare itself” over time, during which the zone of stasis can either be salvaged or will convert into a deeper burn with a greater total body surface area (TBSA) and delayed tissue loss.54,55
- Zone of coagulation: Maximum damage with denatured collagen requiring surgical debridement; irreversible tissue loss
- Zone of stasis: Mixed viability; tissue is potentially salvageable but is also susceptible to conversion
- Zone of hyperemia: Minimal injury; increased tissue perfusion
Salvaging the zone of stasis: the latest in burn research
Enzymatic debridement with clostridial collagenase, the active ingredient in SANTYL Ointment, has been shown in an animal study to slow conversion in partial-thickness burns.49
Clostridium Collagenase Impact on Zone of Stasis Stabilization and Transition to Healthy Tissue in Burns
- Animal study design: Classic burn comb model (porcine).
- Products: Clostridium collagenase suspended in hydrogel vs. hydrogel control
- Objective: Evaluation of clostridium collagenase's ability to effectively minimize burn progression.
- Methods: Clostridium collagenase or control vehicle daily and biopsied at various time points. Biopsies were evaluated for factors associated with progressing necrosis as well as inflammatory response associated with treatment.
Study Results
Debridement with collagenase stabilized the zone of stasis and limited burn conversion by:
- Digesting devitalized collagen
- Resolving inflammation
- Maintaining vascular networks

Earlier epidermal separation

Minimized cellular necrosis

Limited cellular apoptosis

Improved progression to inflammation resolution

Maintained vascular networks
For safe, selective debridement, choose SANTYL Ointment for your appropriate burn patients
In the treatment of appropriate burns, SANTYL Ointment:
- Can be applied immediately after initial burn stabilization treatment without harming healthy tissue31,33
- Changes the burn microenvironment via the MOA to fight inflammation and stimulate the migration and proliferation of fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and endothelial cells8-11
- May promote visualization of the extent of the burn and assist in determining the need for excision or grafting49
- Potentially saves OR costs and time49
Simple four-step application:




Learn more about SANTYL Ointment application.
Laboratory testing has determined the compatibility of collagenase with a number of other treatments.16