Case study: Unstageable pressure ulcer

Wound type:

Pressure injury


66-year-old male


Diabetes, chronic kidney disease, obesity, opioid abuse

Sacrum wound achieved complete re-epithelialization in seven months*
*Individual results will vary

Wound presentation

  • The patient arrived at the clinic with a wound that is classified as an unstageable pressure injury over the sacrum
  • Current treatment included triple antibiotic ointment and gauze dressing daily
  • The wound measured 23cm x 17cm x 3cm


The patient was treated with sharp debridements and the daily application of SANTYL◊ Ointment for 22 days.



Sharp debridement performed along with the use SANTYL Ointment daily with 0.125% Dakin’s solution moistened gauze with dry gauze cover dressing


Week 1

  • Sharp debridement revealed a much deeper section
  • Wound measures 22cm x 16.1cm x 6cm
  • Continue SANTYL Ointment daily
  • Dressing with 0.125% moist gauze packing with dry gauze cover dressing changed daily

Week 4

  • Wound measures 19.8cm x 15.5cm x 6cm
  • 10% yellow necrotic tissue, 70% soft, pink granulation tissue, 20% epithelial with moderate serous drainage
  • Sharp debridement during visit
  • SANTYL Ointment and Dakins 0.125% moistened gauze with dry dressing applied daily

Week 7

  • Patient seen in the office setting with home health nursing visits daily for treatment and dressing changes
  • Wound measures 12cm x 7.5cm x 5.2cm
  • 10% yellow necrotic tissue, 70% soft, pink granulation tissue, 20% epithelial with mild serous drainage
  • Sharp debridement during visit
  • SANTYL Ointment and normal saline moistened gauze with dry dressing applied daily

Week 14

  • Patient missed several in office appointments, home health nurse continues to come daily, wound continues to improve
  • Wound measures 7.5cm x 3.2cm x 1.4cm
  • The patient did not follow up again


Sacrum wound achieved complete re-epithelialization in seven months*
*Individual results will vary

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